This weekend the sheep were able to prove that old sayings are sometimes very accurate.
The grass is greener on the other side of the fence! Well, longer for sure.
The gap in the fence was fixed by my amazing husband with a bit of help from a very unhelpful ram named Chip. Overseeing the repairs was the self-appointed supervisor Liesl. This repair allowed the gate to be swung wide open and the mommas and their lambs were free to graze on a well-rested pasture of beautiful grass that will have a much lower worm load and allow these babies the best shot at growing without stress and the mommas will be able to return to their pre-pregnancy/lactation body scores.
Chip learned a valuable lesson this weekend as well. The feed trough indeed only contained mud – much to his chagrin – no grain had been offered. He did a thorough search though, which only led to a muddy nose. He is the very sweetest boy. Curious yet respectful. A relief after the last ram that was here. That ram was not sweet. His pelt was lovely. I hope my mom enjoys her Mother’s-day gift!
This week marked the birthday of my baby as well. The youngest of my four children turned 20 this week. The years go by so fast. My children fill me with pride. I told them every day, “make good choices”. I am happy to say that they must have listened most days. They are all amazing humans, doing good in the world, looking out for each other, paying it forward when they are able, and looking out for me now. Thank you, kids. Keep making those good choices. I will too!
What old saying do you find still applies in your life?