Today on the farm…

I am so excited to have mailed out a batch of the fiber studies!!!  This has been on my bucket list for almost a year and I finally pulled it off!

I have decided that success is a result of consistent effort.  I will continue to work towards my personal business goals this year and I am so excited that more than half a dozen people have decided to try out the first month of the fiber study.  Thank you all for believing in me!

Tomorrow I will work on fixing one of the spinning wheels that took a bit of a beating at an event I was at.  I love sharing my passion with children – and the wheel will be good as new after a bit of a spa day.  (I actually have two to fix…will only tackle one tomorrow).

In other news here at the farm – the bellies on the girls are growing and some udders are beginning to fill.  It won’t be much longer and there will be new life sproinging around the farm.  (Yes – sproinging is a real word, it’s what lambs do when they jump with all four legs in the air at once!)

I’ll catch up with you soon – until then – keep spinning in circles!